Monday, December 4, 2023

Adelaide's Historic Hotels and Public Houses

The bar at the Rob Roy Hotel, Halifax St

Like so many Australian cities and towns, the South Australian capital of Adelaide has its fair share of ornate and historic hotels, inns and pubs in that inimitable colonial style we've made our own.

Proclaimed in 1836 by free settlers from Britain and closely followed by Lutheren Prussians and a few Chinese, my home town of Adelaide and the surrounding settlements soon sprung up with a hotel often being one of the first structures.

As an interesting sidebar, around the turn of the 20th century, many hotels were closed as part of a large wave of restructuring of liquor licences, reflecting public opinion on the consumption of alcohol. As a result, many hotels lost licenses and converted to other uses including retail and residential.

As I travel around the country, I like to document these delightful buildings because I fear they could be lost to either neglect or the developer's wrecking ball at any moment. So below you will find an ever-growing collection of photographs and descriptions - some of them my own and some from historic sources and the writings of my talented colleagues (properly cited of course).

This initial collection is from Adelaide Central Business District and major suburban centres. Not all images are worthy of a coffee table book, but I will replace and upgrade them as I can. Those images not my own, will be clearly marked. 

More pubs will be added progressively and a new post especially for country pubs will follow. Click through on the images as I sometimes have added notes about a specific hotel.

Cumberland Arms Hotel, Adelaide

The Producers Hotel (former Old Exchange Hotel) Adelaide Newmarket Hotel, Adelaide. EST 1847>

Colac Hotel, Port Adelaide

Benjamin on Franklin Hotel

Wheatsheaf Hotel, Thebarton

Kensington Hotel, SA. Est, 1840

former Rising Sun Hotel, Kensington SA

House (1883) 33 High Street (formerly Burnside Hotel) Britannia Tavern, Port Adelaide. c.1980 Squatters Arms Hotel, Thebarton SA South Australian Hotel, Adelaide. Demolished 1971 

  MORE: Adelaide's top 10 pubs according to Australian Traveller and according to delicious

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