Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) has launched a new website this week (www.koreataste.org) which focuses on Korean cuisine with local restaurant reviews and food columns as well as blogging and forum areas where visitors can leave messages and discuss Korean cuisine.
Information on the site is organized into six categories – columns, food, restaurants, blogging, forums and news. The columns section features articles on Korean cuisine including food and restaurant reviews by food experts. This area features celebrity chefs from famous restaurants and their interpretation of Korean dishes and Korean cuisine. For foreign visitors to Korea searching the restaurant guide area will help with no doubt help with finding the best restaurants in town.
In the blogging area there will be prizes on offer for bloggers for posting the best reviews. The news and events area has updates on all things food-related, including new restaurants, events and food related festivals. Visitors to the site will also be able to share the site’s content on their own social networking areas including Twitter and Facebook.
If you wish to try your hand at making some Korean dishes there are many recipes for all the popular dishes like Japche (glass noodles), Bulgogi (BBQ Beef) Doenjang-jigae (Soy Bean Stew) and even Korea’s national dish of Kimchi (fermented pickled cabbage) which is served at every Korean meal.
The growth of interest in Korean food has risen dramatically over the past few years. In Australia’s capital cities you can find excellent Korean restaurants offering a great variety of Korean dishes to enjoy. Korean cuisine is becoming as popular as Japanese and Thai.
You can also win a trip to Korea with the KTO Sydney office competition presently running on the www.ilovekoreanfood.com.au website. The prize is a trip to Korea for two with three nights’ hotel accommodation in Seoul as well as a meal for two at one of Seoul’s famous royal cuisine restaurants. Check out the local site today and be in the running to win the trip to Korea.
To learn more about Korean cuisine go www.koreataste.org and if you would like to receive a copy of the free guide – The Wonderful World of Korean Food email KTO Sydney office for your free copy today. Email: visitkorea@knto.org.au