LAKE CHARLES, La. — Imagine spending the day near a waterway casting a net for shrimp and tossing a string with meat tied to one end to catch fresh blue crabs. That experience is a daily reality for residents and tourists alike in Louisiana’s southwestern corner. The seafood industry is one of Louisiana’s pride and joys, and it gets no better than in Southwest Louisiana. Known as the state’s “Quality Corner,” the region is a haven for economical and fulfilling natural experiences.
Along with a cast net and a few tips on tossing, onshore shrimpers need a fresh and saltwater permit to catch white and brown shrimp. Permits are available at many shopping outlets in the area. To crab, string and chopped up meat (the locals prefer chicken) are all one needs. Hot spots to partake in these outdoor activities include: Lake Charles, Calcasieu Lake, Big Lake, Grand Lake, Sabine and Rockefeller National Wildlife Refuges, and the Gulf Coast beaches.
Shrimping in the Gulf of Mexico has a large commercial impact on the region, generating millions of dollars each year. Harvesters, buyers and wholesalers dot the area from Cameron Parish — one of the leading seafood industry ports in the United States — all the way up to Lake Charles.
For more information, contact the Southwest Louisiana Convention & Visitors Bureau, at (337) 436-9588 or (800) 456-SWLA, or visit